Monday, January 30, 2006

Juba interviewed Roadtrip Nation Jan. 31

Tomorrow at 12 noon at Needles and Pens (14th between Valencia and Guererro,SF) I'll be interviewe by the folks from Roadtrip Nation for an upcoming show...Theyll be talking to a few folks from the SF Bay Area who are um...interesting.I got picked by my homegirl Charlie Anders. They'll be taping tonight at the MakeOUT Room in SF ( I wont be there) but visit their site for more info on the show.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New songs posted on Juba's MYSpace page!

Scratch mixes of "Yeoman Johnson", "Crispus Attucks", "Icallmyself" and "The Forces of Evil (featuring Katastrophe) are posted at Myspace which you can acces by clicking the link above.I'm headed in the studio tonight to do some cleanups and record another song, so there will be more available soon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The first mainstream media article about the Planet Janice Films doc PICK UP THE MIC"The Out Crowd" by Jason Newman, appears in the current issue (#133, Jan/Feb 2006) of URB, on newstands now...If you cant find it, hit up the PeaceOUT Festival Page
at and read the story in its entired from the scanned and legible pages. There full size, so if youre on a dial up theyll take a minute.