Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Homiesexuals the MMM and an interesting sideways discussion (word to the mothamybrotha)

By now,anyone who's reading this blog has probablly heard about the row regarding National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) chair prez Keith Boykin not being allowed to speak at the recent Millions More Movement (MMM) gathering in Washington, DC. If you aren't familiar, peep the Washington Post story below. as well as Boykin's blog at http://www.keithboykin.com


In light of the comments made by many of the posters at Keith's site, I wowed by the contextualization of the dialogue by NYC bisexual artist/activist Heru Khuti (peep his comments in the title link at his website, http://www.blackfunk.org).He had some pretty fire things to say.

Article on Bent Writing Institute in Seattle Gay News

I've been so busy that I havent had the opportunity to write about the wonderful experience I had as a mentor for Bent, a writing institute for queer poets in Seattle created by the bad-ass Tara Hardy.

I did a couple tour stops in the Northwest three years ago with Tara but had not seen or spoken to her since, and yet she remembered me well enough, and regarded my work so that she added me to a list of performers that Bent students were to pick from for the two writers who would be mentor/performers over the Oct. 8-9 weekend. The students picked yours trul and slam/performance genius Buddy Wakefield. We had an amazing time..about 40 writers, like 20 on each night telling amazing,passionate,angry,sad,sexy, riotous and powerful stories about themselves and their experiences.I am so honored to have been selected to be a part of the event, and even more amazed at having had the opportunity to mentor such an amazing talented group of people. I cant wait to visit Seattle again.

Visit the bent website at http://www.bentwriting.com....hit their shows, give them money, love and support.Tara is doing an amazing incredible thing with the amazing,empowering project that is Bent. Did I say how cool they were? I'll say it again.Props to Tara and co. hell yeah.

PICK UP THE MIC Film Clips now available!

Thanks to the hard work of director Alex Hinton and his cohorts, clips from PICK UP THE MIC are finally available.If you werent of the fortunate 1000 or so people who got to peep it at the Toronto Film Fest, there are three clips for you to peep and check what all the fuss is about. Enjoy....and let them know what you think!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The first Pick Up the Mic/ Toronto Film Fest Foto Post!

1st Foto:PUTM director Alex Hinton's Paparazzi shot of myself and Nalo Hopkinson arriving at the hotel in Toronto.
2nd Foto: Me, JenRo and her girlfriend Sweet in a cab on the way to the Sarah Silverman party at Club Monaco. jyeah.

More flix later today!