Friday, November 04, 2005

And now I can pay attention in class

So for at least the *moment*, the flurry of press, publicity and interviews for PICK UP THE MIC and The PeaceOUT World Homohop Festival are done. Until the movie gets distro, or a nother festival pick, and then we start all over again....sigh. Not complaining...just taking a little getting used to. I been hella busy and I'm grateful for all of the attention for my work and art and that of others-I just think I piled a little more on to my plate than I should for those of you friends,lovers, friend lovers and other folks who have seen hide nor hair of me in a bit, I apologize. I wont be so ghost. Time for real life.

and the studio, and um, the phone interview on saturday, and finishing my Creating Change Speech...:)

photo above? Deep Dickollective at PeaceOUT5, October 29,)Oakland.


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